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#include #include #include #include using namespace std;struct TrieNode{ vector next; bool end; int cnt; TrieNode():end(0),cnt(0){}};TrieNode *root=new TrieNode();map table;void build(string &str){ TrieNode *p=root; for(unsigned int x:str) { if(x+1>p->next.size()) p->next.resize(x+1); if(p->next[x]==NULL) { TrieNode* s=new TrieNode(); p->next[x]=s; } p=p->next[x]; } p->end=true; p->cnt++;}void searchAllword(TrieNode *p,string word){ if(p->end==true) table[word]=p->cnt; for(unsigned int i=0;i next.size();++i) { TrieNode *xp=p->next[i]; if(xp) searchAllword(xp,word+(char)i); }}int search(string &str){ TrieNode *p=root; for(unsigned int x:str) { if(x>=p->next.size()||p->next[x]==NULL) return 0; else p=p->next[x]; } return p->cnt;}void disp(){ for(auto x:table) cout< <<" "< < >n; while(n--) { cin>>str; build(str); } cout<<"input word number that you want to search: "; cin>>n; while(n--) { cin>>str; cout< <<" : "< <